The air is still.  The snow is like a cocoon, swallowing the land it touches, and outlines the geometry of domestic environments.  In her series Snowbound Lisa M. Robinson presents controlled compositions of outdoor destinations like a basketball court and a trampoline that have no function in the winter months other than to collect the fallen snow.  In the absence of children at play, the sites are nothing more than an arrangement of straight lines that match with an endless horizon.  It feels a bit funny writing this post from an office in Santa Monica, CA where the sun is shining and it’s 75 degrees in the beginning of November, when most of the country begins to endure a season of chilly, winter weather.  While we don’t experience winter here in Los Angeles, the snow is a strange and beautiful phenomenon that we appreciate and can better understand thanks to Lisa M. Robinson.




Why did you decide to pursue your artistic practice on the East Coast? 

I grew up on the East coast, and attended college in NY.  After graduate school, I considered several cities, but kept finding myself returning to New York as the standard.  Ultimately, I moved there, and my life fell into place quite nicely.

Why not Los Angeles? 

I had considered San Francisco, but always felt like a foreigner when I visited.  I think I felt a bit suspicious of the West coast lifestyle at the time.




What do you find distracting about your urban environment?

New York is an amazing place for inspiration and energy, but it can be difficult to get inside one’s own head.  There’s so much external stimuli that it is, at times, necessary to remove oneself in order to go inward and be productive creatively.

What do you feel is unique about your city? 

A fearless and indomitable spirit.


At Rest
At Rest


What do you find most appealing about Los Angeles? 

The Pacific Ocean, no question!

What artists have influenced your practice the most? 

Robert Adams… interesting to consider what that might mean!




Images from the series Snowbound

Images courtesy of the artist and Klompching Gallery


Lisa M. Robinson is featured within Installation Magazine’s special 20+20 Photography Issue, which highlighted 20 Los Angeles and 20 New York City photographers. Download the full issue on your iPad and iPhone.