• George Byrne: Post Truth

    The photographs of George Byrne revel in a stillness that is part mystical, part abstract, and entirely surreal echoing the dichotomous nature of the city of Los Angeles that the artist has adopted as home. Curated by Margot Ross, Post Truth is both a solo exhibition and book release exploring five years of work that […]

    A. Moret No responses December 24, 2020
  • The Weekly Splice of Paul Fraser

    In his latest series Weekly Splice, Fraser collects one recorded sound or other non-copyrighted sounds per day.  Each Sunday he gives himself less than two hours to splice together seven sounds to great short songs and soundscapes.  Enjoy a fresh splice each week! Installation Magazine:  Would you be able to speak a bit more about the […]

    Installation Magazine No responses April 3, 2014