• Berndnaut Smilde

    Berndnaut Smilde conducts elementary particles of water and smoke to create clouds riddled with sculptural complexity.  Suspended within spaces whose walls are dense with history, materiality, and architectural intrigue, Smilde creates an atmospheric artwork that would become ephemeral if not for the photographic documentation. Belonging to an ongoing body of work called the “Nimbus” series, […]

    A. Moret No responses July 3, 2021
  • Berndnaut Smilde’s Manufactured Phenomenon

    For a fleeting moment, Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde controls clouds, an intangible natural phenomenon, by pressing a single button on a remote control.  Triggering a smoke machine into an environment where variables like temperature, humidity and light are carefully monitored, Smilde creates a picturesque, billowing cloud that assumes a natural density and airiness in a […]

    A. Moret One response June 21, 2013