• Spencer Mar Guilburt: This Too Shall Last

    The signature “Fire-Flowers” by Los Angeles-based Spencer Mar Guilburt act as checkpoints throughout the city.  Their inherent fluidity and motion transform the exterior of any wall, building, or canvas.  They have become like a fingerprint, an indelible and unmistakable mark confirming evidence that the artist was once here and has since traveled to a new […]

    A. Moret No responses June 30, 2021
  • Cole Rise: Spectral Illumination

    Through the lens of the camera, Cole Rise contemplates his place in the Universe.  Driving across the country in search of awe inspiring landscapes revered for their sheer enormity and history on earth, the methodology behind Rise’s photographic practice requires a perspective that looks within and beyond.  While the subjects of his photographs seem ancient […]

    A. Moret No responses August 1, 2014
  • David O’Malley: Drifting in Splendid Isolation

    Like astronauts who explore to the ends of the galaxy, an artist’s journey is filled with a similar degree of isolation, uncertainty, and mystery.  Art and space science are channels through which David O’Malley relates to his London environ of eight million strangers.  His canvases convey infinite possibilities breaking through the void of quotidian drudgery. […]

    A. Moret No responses May 18, 2013