Daniel Rolnik Daniel Rolnik is a writer based in Los Angeles. His career started when he handed an old band’s flyer to a girl named Pocahontas, who for no particular reason invited him to write for a new magazine called LA Record. Since then, he’s gone on to interview some of the raddest artists in the world for websites like FecalFace and Argot & Ochre. And now he is also a contributing writer to publications like LA Weekly, Hi Fructose, Beautiful/Decay, CARTWHEEL, Bulkka, Hurley, Reserve Result, etc… If you ever hear “Hi, I’m Daniel” at an art opening, then just know that he’s probably near. Daniel Rolnik is The World’s Most Adorable Art Critic.
  • Rebecca Manson: Manson Chaos Rebecca Manson is a sculptor whose belief and process partially lay in the hands of chaos.  She’s a rebellious one, who has taken the rules of classic pottery and thrown them out the window.  If she’s using clay that can only handle a heat rating of 100 degrees, she immediately turns the kiln up a […] No responses June 1, 2012