• The Four Quartets of Los Angeles

    Standing behind a bouquet of crimson red roses, Enrique Martínez Celaya waits to address a host of guests.  Their echoes carry from the exterior which too is lined with smaller arrangements of roses in round vases and illuminated by candlelight and spills into the gallery, creating a gentle roar.  Standing shoulder to shoulder, the UTA […]

    A. Moret No responses February 22, 2022
  • Cardborigami: Gimme Shelter

    Cardborigami plans to raise awareness and end social injustices through good design. Founded in 2007 by Tina Hovsepian while she was a student at the USC School of Architecture, Cardborigami transforms 4’ x 7’ pieces of cardboard into portable housing solutions for the homeless.  In a recent recent event at the Callison Terrace in Santa […]

    Installation Magazine No responses August 30, 2013