• NFT- The Future of Art?

    Vienna Contemporary celebrated its return to art in real life for its 2021 edition in the first week of September. As the leading art fair in Austria, the curatorial focus was contemporary art from 25 galleries across 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to the selected galleries, the fair featured a robust […]

    A. Moret No responses October 28, 2021
  • Berndnaut Smilde

    Berndnaut Smilde conducts elementary particles of water and smoke to create clouds riddled with sculptural complexity.  Suspended within spaces whose walls are dense with history, materiality, and architectural intrigue, Smilde creates an atmospheric artwork that would become ephemeral if not for the photographic documentation. Belonging to an ongoing body of work called the “Nimbus” series, […]

    A. Moret No responses July 3, 2021
  • Spencer Mar Guilburt: This Too Shall Last

    The signature “Fire-Flowers” by Los Angeles-based Spencer Mar Guilburt act as checkpoints throughout the city.  Their inherent fluidity and motion transform the exterior of any wall, building, or canvas.  They have become like a fingerprint, an indelible and unmistakable mark confirming evidence that the artist was once here and has since traveled to a new […]

    A. Moret No responses June 30, 2021
  • Robin Kang at VOLTA NY

    Robin Kang threads nuances between technological advances and the history of the textile industry via Jacquard loom handwork and patterned circuitry imagery.  Kang is founder and director of Chicago’s Carousel Space Project as well as Ridgewood, Queens project space PENELOPE.  Presented at VOLTA NY by Field Projects, New York.             […]

    Installation Magazine No responses February 18, 2016
  • Devotion, Co-Curated by William Corwin at Catinca Tabacaru Gallery

    Devotion is a thought experiment.  I wanted to see how contemporary art would function when placed in a shrine/chapel/temple setting in which it would be hopefully viewed in the context of it’s original ritual usage.  Many of the pieces lent them selves easily to this metaphysical process–Eliszabeth Kley’s ceramic cages, Mike Ballou’s bird flock wall […]

    William Corwin No responses December 30, 2015
  • Cyborg Curated by William Corwin at Zurcher Gallery

    Cyborg was curated on the premise that even non-technology based artists are acknowledging the changes in the concept of the figure that is taking place due to innovations in genetics, prosthetics and our understanding of alternate forms of consciousness that co-exist with our own.  As our idea of the human body in relation to its […]

    William Corwin No responses December 30, 2015