Los Angeles based painter Lisa Adams was one of the first artists ever featured in Installation Magazine. Over the years we have watched as Adam’s visual vernacular has evolved and changed with her vision. In California we explored the narrative of Adam’s work whose subjects reconcile the remnants of a world walking the balance between decay and possibility. Where others see graffiti markings as defilement, Adams sees the marks as signs of beauty and a reflection of truth. For our second special issue In Blank We Trust, the artist addressed the notion of “paradise,” and how it manifests in the dystopic vision of her landscapes. Ultimately she concludes that “paradise is simply the best we can conjure for ourselves.” Before the opening of her solo exhibition Second Life at CB1 Gallery, Adams recovered from an emergency eye surgery that nearly left her blind. In her contribution to Issue 05 The Day the Shade Came Down, Adams documented her recovery in excruciating detail. Although she temporarily lost her sight she gained a new vision which directed a new focus for work to come.
Recently Installation was invited to Adams’ studio in Downtown Los Angeles to catch a special first look at two of six new paintings that will be on view at the CB1 Gallery booth next month at The Miami Project, December 3-8. Stay tuned for our exclusive interview with Lisa Adams, but in the meantime enjoy her two new works The Magic Hand and Fast, Cheap and Out of Control (EM).