Referencing the expulsion from the Garden of Eden the works of Henri van Noordenburg focus on overlaying a European aesthetic on the physical and intellectual landscape.  Starting with self-portraits set amid a featureless black background, van Noordenburg slowly and meticulously hand-etches the photographic surface.


van Noordenburg describes the process of self-nude photography as an “incredible mix between strength and weakness, frustration and containment – a feeling of euphoria and adrenaline.”  Feelings, which mirror van Noordenburg’s attempts to assimilate within a dominant foreign culture, where minority groups are often treated like second-class citizens.  The central figure’s way back to the Garden, his continual search for belonging, is impeded by social and political frustration.


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition I to XI, ink on paper hand carved, 212 cm x 318 cm framed, 2011
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition I to XI, etched photographic print, 212 cm x 318 cm framed, 2011


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition X, ink on paper hand carved, 106 cm x 106 cm framed, 2012
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition X, etched photographic print, 106 cm x 106 cm framed, 2012


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XVI, etched photographic print, 46 cm x 106 cm framed, 2012
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XVI, etched photographic print, 46 cm x 106 cm framed, 2012


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XVII, ink on paper hand carved, 46 cm x 106 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XVII, etched photographic print, 46 cm x 106 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XIX, ink on paper hand carved, 50 cm x 50 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XIX, etched photographic print, 50 cm x 50 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXII, ink on paper hand carved, 30 cm x 30 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXII, etched photographic print, 30 cm x 30 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXVII, ink on paper hand carved, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXVII, etched photographic print, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXVIII, ink on paper hand carved, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXVIII, etched photographic print, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXIX, ink on paper hand carved, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXIX, etched photographic print, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013


Henri van Noordenburg, Composition IX, ink on paper hand carved, 106 cm x 106 cm, 2012, Queensland Centre for Photography Collection
Henri van Noordenburg, Composition IX, etched photographic print, 106 cm x 106 cm, 2012, Queensland Centre for Photography Collection


Featured image: Henri van Noordenburg, Composition XXVII, ink on paper hand carved, 17.5 cm x 17.5 cm framed, 2013

All images © of the artist