These images were shot yesterday, as of the moment I am writing this diary (August 28th 2013).
For the past few months, I have been slowly working on a new body of work – besides the portraits series there is no there there. Most times, the images are created indoors which naturally made me spend less time outside. These images are a reaction to my recent lifestyle – which is funny, since I started using the studio in order to ignore the crowded convolution of the city.
It felt it was about time to make some care free images in a less controlled environment. I printed out some photos of Comme Des Garçons’ past collection and walked around the neighborhood. I admired the vivid colors and shapes of the clothes for a while and wanted to do something playful with it. The idea was just to do what a camera does best (for me) – making everything flat, two dimensions either on paper or on a screen. This time around, I wanted the viewers to be more aware of the very existence of the camera by exaggerating the different planes and making the clothes look slightly blurred compared to the rest of the image. For me these images have a lot of potential to become something much more than a one offshoot. I cannot wait to exhaust the idea further in the next outing.

Featured Image: Ina Jang, xi in dots, 2013 © of the artist