Intellectual Property Prints presented limited edition work at the Standard Hotel in Downtown, Los Angeles. Installation contributing editor and co-founder of Intellectual Property Prints Daniel Rolnik reflects on the print premiere.
Last night, the artist John Knuth* took a flame to The Standard hotel in downtown Los Angeles and lit it on fire while friends and fans gathered in the embers. It was a soiree to celebrate John’s recently completed mural on the exterior of the hotel, which was made with emergency flares that he photographed. He also created a similar piece in the form of a limited-edition screen print produced by Intellectual Property Prints – the company I started with my best friend and master printer Ryan McIntosh, which we premiered at the event.
The pyro-party took place in the lobby of the hotel, which is dark and sassy. So, we stole candles from the lounge tables and made an alter of fireworks for the screen prints next to the front door. Fireworks, which came in handy a few hours later when we lit them off the rooftop. Artists like Lisa Anne Auerbach, Joel Kayak, Adrienne Adar, and Allie Pohl were in attendance as well as heavy-hitting collectors like Hauser and Karol. However, that’s only a handful of the 100 or so folks that came out, which also included awesome Facebook friends and snap-chat strangers who forced us on a scavenger hunt through the hotel that ended on the rooftop. You can see John Knuth’s mural in person at 6th Street between Flower and Bell in downtown Los Angeles and purchase his limited-edition screen print.
*[Knuth is pronounced Kah-Nooth with a hard K.]

John Knuth, 5-Color Screenprint, edition of 28 © Intellectual Property Prints

Featured Image: John Knuth signing “Faded State” 5-Color Screenprint. Edition of 28 © Intellectual Property Prints