Installation Magazine
  • Ryan Martin at VOLTA NY The paintings of San Francisco based Ryan Martin are hypnotic in their rich color and harken to the tradition when painters were inspired by a muse. His work captured our attention at VOLTA NY as it straddled the lines between an unapologetic imagination and fantastic vision.             Featured Image:  Ryan Martin, Sweet Thing, oil on […] No responses April 4, 2014
  • The Weekly Splice of Paul Fraser In his latest series Weekly Splice, Fraser collects one recorded sound or other non-copyrighted sounds per day.  Each Sunday he gives himself less than two hours to splice together seven sounds to great short songs and soundscapes.  Enjoy a fresh splice each week! Installation Magazine:  Would you be able to speak a bit more about the […] No responses April 3, 2014
  • Robert Seidel Premieres grapheme Installation first presented the work titled Tearing Shadows created by experimental film, video projection and installation artist Robert Seidel in Issue 09.  The artist will debut his latest installation grapheme, the multi-layered work is created by the artist’s personal memories, the participant’s reflection and the museum environment.  This permanent installation at the Museum Wiesbaden in Germany will […] No responses April 3, 2014
  • [An Eye for an I] presents Chris Otcasek Otcasek studied at the Columbus College of Art and Design (Columbus, OH) where he focused on painting and Art History.  Informed both by his traditional art background and 17 years as an Art Director and Lead Artist in the video games industry – Otcasek takes a bold and confident look at subjects we might overlook or so often […] No responses April 3, 2014
  • What Happens When Museums Return Antiquities? This sculpture by an unknown artist, “Victorious Youth” (300–100 BCE), bronze with inlaid copper, 59 5/8 x 27 9/16 x 11 in (151.5 x 70 x 27.9 cm), currently on view at the Getty Villa Malibu, is the subject of a current repatriation claim by Greece. (image courtesy The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, […] No responses April 3, 2014
  • Art(ists) on the Verge at the Soap Factory Now through April, the sprawling, rough-and-tumble brick spaces of Minneapolis’ Soap Factory are filled with installation projects by five artists—the Art(ists) on the Verge, as it were. It is not quite fair to consider Art(ists) on the Verge as a single exhibition, as there is no curatorial or artistic conceit to cement the various projects […] No responses April 2, 2014