  • Nicholas Winter: Through a Lens in Basel

    Installation:  How has the environment of Basel inspired the direction of your work?  Nicholas Winter:  I’ve been in Basel for twelve years.  To be honest, I don’t find the city or the people photographically inspiring.  But there is something about it, I find that the subjects that interest me, that I want to capture are […]

    Installation Magazine No responses September 5, 2014
  • GalleryLOG: Faces of Art

    Installation was first introduced to GalleryLOG upon our arrival in Manhattan as we accepted the tremendous invitation to act as the main media partner for VOLTA NY.  Before the hum drum of the fair began and the doors were officially opened to the public there was a moment of calm before the roar.  As the early […]

    Installation Magazine No responses August 27, 2014
  • Siri Kaur: Plates + Slides

    Her images, originating in diverse locations including Iceland, New England, Alaska and Southern California, reveal an artistic practice that is deeply personal, yet universal, oscillating between anxiety and yearning for a better world.  Kaur’s haunting, signature use of light betrays unexpressed desires lurking behind her subjects’ ruminative gazes, while the eerily perfect settings feel inhabited […]

    A. Moret No responses August 24, 2014
  • David Eddington: Take Me to the River

    The urban structure of Los Angeles illicit curiosity, particularly the series of twenty-seven bridges that run throughout Los Angeles connecting the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach.  Since their construction in 1909 the bridges and the LA River that runs beneath it like a labyrinth offers solace to artists like David Eddington, who frequently traverses […]

    A. Moret One response August 24, 2014
  • Lisa Adams: Location Unknown

    The viewer’s gaze unhinges the schism between a utopic past and a dystopic present, whose wrath is concealed by an arsenal of exacting moves executed invisibly by the hand of artist Lisa Adams.  By implementing a set of painterly techniques of her own creation, which includes the meticulous use of sponge rollers to create mosaic […]

    A. Moret One response August 24, 2014
  • Jay Brockman: Sunrise to Sunset

    A concrete jungle with no public transportation, LA was designed especially for the motorist thus traffic is an integral part of Brockman’s process.  It also appears in nearly every piece of work.  Often times, the headlight of a single car twinkles and nearly blinds the viewer, or cars are speeding out of the frame and […]

    A. Moret No responses August 24, 2014