Installation first watched Los Angeles based street artist RISK create a tag before the opening of Artworks for the Cure. His ability to transform paint from aerosol cans into delicate strokes and layers of color makes his work pop off the wall, canvas, or whatever surface he may be working on. Installation had the opportunity to visit the artist in his home while he was preparing for his solo exhibition Metallic Tissue at Fabien Castanier Gallery opening November 2nd. RISK’s home is a sanctuary for art and inspiration. All of the cans used to create the effect on many of the works seen in Metallic Tissue were recycled from the large, exposed bins placed throughout the property. The work will be on view until December 15, 2013 but in the meantime enjoy images from our visit.
“Metallic Tissue is the DNA of RISK, my thumbprint…” -RISK
Featured image: RISK tag ©Installation Magazine and Lily Duarte
Images ©Fabien Castanier Gallery and Installation Magazine