100 Walkers, West Hollywood
A large table sits in the middle of Richard Kraft’s Los Angeles based studio covered with a labyrinth of miniature pieces of paper, each perfectly cut and arranged in a systematic configuration that only the artist understands. The pieces are so fragile they seem to require surgical tools to manipulate. Kraft looks on to the […]
April 16, 2015
Arthur Duncan in Conversation at BONVIVANT
A hand carefully writes the daily menu on a large chalkboard. Beneath the etching of the chalk, Arthur Duncan enters the interior of BONVIVANT, a culinary gem nestled off the beaten path, hidden among the narrow streets of Basel. The intimate dining room features long wooden tables and a collection of chairs ranging in style from […]
November 3, 2014
Chinook Arc : A Social Catalyst
Joe O’Connell founder of Creative Machines, a collective of artists, engineers and craftsman based in Tucson, Arizona discusses his latest installation in Canada. Featured video: Visitors can control the sculpture’s 48 lights through a custom-designed optical sensor. The sensor allows people to change light sequences effectively turning the entire sculpture into a low-resolution screen that reproduces […]
November 3, 2014
The ATL Twins x Rochambeau
With a pop- up solo exhibition Tales from Hood, a collection of paintings inspired by their childhood in Chattanooga the duo are now a driving force in the art world. Brothers Sidney and Thurman Sewell (aka The ATL Twins), are consummate collaborators and are celebrating their second project with fashion house Rochambeau. Founded in 2007 […]
October 31, 2014
Amanda Coulson and the VOLTA Team
In the early morning hours before opening its doors to the public, VOLTA Artistic Director Amanda Coulson sits behind an industrial wood table with a cappuccino steaming in front of her in the Markthalle. The space has undergone many changes since it was first built and served as an active marketplace until 2004. Now the […]
October 27, 2014
WestEdge Design Fair: Behind-the-Scenes, Must-Sees & Design Insight
It’s Tuesday afternoon and preparation for the WestEdge Design Fair is in full swing next door to Installation Magazine’s headquarters. A palpable energy resonates through the vast expanse of the Barker Hangar where forklifts make donut figurations as they transport wood crates filled with design gems. The perpetual sound of hammers and power drills work in […]
October 17, 2014